IRIS’S story

a Journey to Empowerment at Azalea

In the heart of Azalea’s transformative program lies a powerful testament to the resilience and renewal of human spirit—this is the story of Iris. A year ago, Iris made a decision that would turn her life around, leaving behind the harsh realities of the streets to embrace a nurturing environment where she could flourish.

Iris's Story

"I've not engaged in sex work for over a year now. I would never go back to the streets; it's horrible out there. There's nothing for me out there; I belong here in Flourish."

The path Iris walked was fraught with violence and danger, a stark reminder of the perils many face in their darkest hours. Continually subjected to horrific abuse, Iris battled the effects of exploitation, which left indelible marks on her body and psyche. Despite her naturally kind and caring disposition, she learned to shield these qualities to protect herself from further exploitation.

Living under the constant threats of violence and housing insecurity was an exhausting ordeal for Iris. She was trapped in a relentless struggle to survive. But at Azalea, Iris discovered a supportive community that encouraged her to take positive steps toward rebuilding her life. Through Flourish, she has embraced new challenges, including learning new skills, engaging in physical exercise, and even advocating for other women experiencing violence and abuse.

Iris's transformation over the past 12 years has been a journey of significant trials and moments of fear, during which the safety and well-being of Iris were persistently prayed for. Her affirmation that she deserves a better life in an environment that truly cares for her is a heartening development in her recovery. Azalea has been a steady companion throughout, adapting the support offered to meet Iris's evolving needs—from ensuring her survival to aiding her in thriving.

Iris's story is not just about overcoming adversity; it's about the power of finding a place where you can truly belong and be yourself. Her journey with Azalea is a beacon of hope for many who may still be in the throes of their darkest times.

We invite you to be a part of this transformative journey. By supporting Azalea, you are not just helping to change individual lives; you are contributing to a wider movement that fosters healing, growth, and empowerment. Join us in our mission to provide a sanctuary where more individuals like Iris can find safety, support, and a chance to Flourish. Your involvement can make a real difference—get in touch today to learn how you can help or visit our website to contribute to our cause. Together, we can continue to change lives and rebuild futures.


Esme’s Story


Gratitude as a Lifeline